This is me at the top!

This past weekend I went with a group from school t

o Gingee Fort and Tiravannamali on a two day trip. Gingee Fort is called the"Troy of the East." It first began by the Cholla Dynasty in the 9th century, and refortified in the 13th . Apparently there were warring kingdoms at the time. The fort consists of 3 hills, connected by walls enclosing an area of 7 km. It had an 8 story marriage hall, prisoncells, a military gymnasium, and a temple dedicated to its presiding female deity call Chenjianman. The fort is built upon a fascinating morass of giant stones and cut granite. There was a mote around the entire fort. There are granite steps to the top, and it was an impressive climb to the to


where the temple still stands in ruins. There were carved pictures in the granite, and amazing ar

ches--how did t

hey do it?

There was a beggar man on the way in, and a large family group having a

picnic. They invited me to stop and eat with them.. I

did. Some rice and vegetables. I gave the man my sandwich and some rupees. I had yet to see people begging--this trip was the beginning. We were also met my troops of monkeys--my first again.
they jumped from limb to limb and watched us curiously. They were enchanting to watch with their babies clinging to the mothers asre was one tree growing out of seemingly pure rock--ancient. The fields within the fort are

now farmed. Mostly rice.
Walking down the wall we passed some women working in the fields--two little boys played near them. We only see women and children working in the field. I don't know what the men are doing.We hiked and looked until our eyes popped out and we suffered heat exhaustion. We reboarded the bus and took off for our hotel.

Mom, looking at these beautiful photographs all I can think of are the many paintings to follow- you will bring such a unique eye of India home with you.
I am happy to know how much you are embracing the indian lifestyle, how enriching...
Tonight we are around the t.v. watching Johnny Cash's life- and working on some projects... I am in your heart no matter what time period you're in you know.
Amazing pictures, thank you so much for posting them. Thanks also for your kind comment about our wedding photos, your presence was greatly missed. Sarah and I are happy to see you having so many adventures in your new home.
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