Sunday, August 10, 2008

the theater

Thursday evening I went with 2 women my age who have been here for 5 years (one is from Minnesota! The other Indian) and a younger woman from South Africa. We left school and went to this beautiful old home of a Maharaja turned into a tea room and boutique. IT was the height of luxury. We had hired a cab for the evening. After that he drove us to a state of the art theatre that puts the Guthrie to shame in comfort, and certainly price. WE bought the most expensive tickets for 10$ US, and sat in the second row. I just came home and the cab fare was $4/person. It was extravagant for me but it was great to get to know these women--they are really out and about a lot. The woman from Minnesota's husband is coming at the end of the month--sounds like a real interesting and eccentric guy. I think there are a lot of people that Tim will like here.
While waiting to get into the theater a very elderly looking old man in very worn cloth asked me where I was from and what University I attended. He had never been to the states, but knew U of M, "Oh yes! Ann Arbor!" and he was a very interesting guy. He is a philosopher and astrologer and was brought to the play by a woman journalist who writes for the Hindu Times, to which I subscribe and had read her column on an art exhibit that morning. We talked and she gave me her card. The man RRR wrote his name and phone number in my little book, and he said, "We are going to have a meaningful relationship--I predict that!" Well you can be sure that I will call him. He has a huge personal library of English books the journalist told me and she brings him to all of the literary events because he is so interested and educated. He had read Moby Dick, which the one man play, The Whale was based on. A 65 minute play of Moby Dick. The actor was a beautiful dancer and actor working with a very spare stage and script. The intensity of the movement and sound was like being on a ship. Do you think Moby Dick is a metaphor of man's struggle with evil, or perceived evil, or with himself, or against nature? Chennai has endless things to do and see. My eyes are popping out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Lauri, what treat to read of your theatre experience and see all those photos. It helps so much to imagine what your life is like. No surprise that you and Rosebud have found each other but be careful. Don't suppose a bike helmet is an option! Cold morning here at Bone Lake- just 50 degrees! C.